Pet First Aid for Pet Professionals Level 3 (VTQ)

177 videos, 8 hours and 35 minutes

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Smaller Pets

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3 min 43 sec
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Pet First Aid and Health Considerations for Smaller Pets

Unique Challenges for Smaller Pets

Size Matters: First aid for rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters shares similarities with dogs and cats, but their smaller size presents distinct challenges.

Shock Susceptibility: Smaller pets can enter a state of shock more rapidly due to their higher surface area to volume ratio, making prompt care crucial.

Injury Response: Keep injuries clean, maintain warmth, and prevent shock when caring for wounded small pets before seeking professional veterinary assistance.

Specific Health Concerns

Parasitic Threats: Small pets, like dogs and cats, can suffer from parasitic infestations, with fleas being of particular concern in rabbits due to their ability to transmit Myxomatosis.

Vaccination Importance: Vaccines are available for Myxomatosis and viral haemorrhagic diarrhoea, offering protection for rabbits. A newer strain of haemorrhagic diarrhoea demands vaccination to prevent sudden death.

Respiratory and Skin Issues: Smaller pets are prone to respiratory diseases, which progress quickly due to their lower lung capacity. Skin conditions, often caused by mites, are also common among these pets.