Pet First Aid for Pet Professionals Level 3 (VTQ)

177 videos, 8 hours and 35 minutes

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Internal Anatomy

Video 20 of 177
3 min 46 sec
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Understanding Pet Internal Anatomy: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Introduction to Internal Anatomy

Exploring the internal anatomy of animals, from the head to the tail.

2. Head and Brain

The Brain: A vital but mysterious organ, hidden away in the head, guiding countless bodily functions.

Challenges: Unlike other organs, we cannot hear, touch, or see the brain directly.

3. Spinal Cord

Spinal Cord: Extending from the brain to the tail, protected by vertebrae.

4. Chest and Abdomen Examination

Diagnostic Approach: Veterinarians examine internal organs by listening to the chest and palpating the abdomen.

5. Chest Organs

The Heart: Located between ribs three and six, on the side where the elbow meets the body wall.

The Lungs: Positioned on both sides, extending throughout the chest cavity.

6. Abdominal Organs

The Stomach: Found high up within the abdominal cavity, often just inside the ribcage.

The Liver: Located in the same region as the stomach, with varying numbers of lobes depending on the species.

The Kidneys: Situated higher up on each side of the abdomen, with the right kidney slightly forward.

The Intestines: Transitioning from the small intestine to the large intestine, with the presence of a cecum in some species.

The Bladder: Palpable when full but usually not when empty.

The Prostate Gland: Present in male animals and may or may not be palpable depending on the species and health status.

The Colon: The end of the large intestine.

The Rectum: Marks the end of the digestive tract.