Ear Problems
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Common Ear Problems in Pets: Causes and Treatment
Ear Infections
Ear problems are frequently encountered in pets, often manifesting as head-shaking or scratching:
- Common Signs: Pets may display signs such as head-shaking or scratching at their ears.
- Main Cause: Ear infections are the most common issue, often aggravated by factors like swimming.
Water in Ears
Excessive moisture in the ear canal can lead to bacterial breeding, causing painful infections:
- Ear canals in dogs are narrow, providing a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive.
- Infections can develop rapidly, resulting in significant discomfort for the pet.
Grass Seeds
During walks, pets may pick up grass seeds, leading to deep ear canal penetration:
- Grass seeds can embed themselves in the ear canal, requiring veterinary removal.
Ear Tumours and Congenital Problems
Though rare, ear tumours and congenital issues may necessitate surgical intervention:
- Ear tumours, when present, can be aggressive and require prompt attention.
- Congenital ear problems may require surgical correction to alleviate symptoms.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Owners should seek veterinary care if they notice signs of ear problems, such as:
- Scratching or head-shaking.
- Unusual odours emanating from the ear.
Cats vs. Dogs
The causes of ear injuries differ between cats and dogs:
- Cats: Ear injuries in cats are often the result of fights, leading to bleeding and potential infections.
- Dogs: Dogs may sustain ear injuries from bush runs or sharp objects encountered during walks.
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