Pet First Aid for Pet Professionals Level 3 (VTQ) - Online

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Cat Flu

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1 min 49 sec
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Cat Flu: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Understanding Cat Flu

Similarities to Human Flu: Cat flu shares symptoms with human flu and can affect both adult cats and kittens.

Severity Factors: The condition is more severe in kittens, older cats, and those with weakened immune systems.

Sign of Secondary Infection: Cat flu can also indicate a secondary infection in your cat, warranting a vet's examination.

Causes and Transmission

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection: Cat flu results from bacterial or viral infections affecting the upper respiratory system.

Transmission Methods: Cat flu can spread through direct contact between cats or indirect transmission via shared items like food and water bowls.

Not Transferable to Humans: Cat and human flu are caused by different viruses; there is no risk of cross-species transmission.

Recognizing Cat Flu Symptoms

  • Common Signs: Watch for symptoms such as runny eyes, a runny nose, loss of voice, sneezing, fever, sore eyes, and sore throat.
  • Eye Complications: Untreated cat flu can lead to eye ulcers and long-term sight damage.
  • Respiratory Discomfort: Inflamed airways and muscle/joint pain are also possible indicators.

Management and Treatment

Seek Veterinary Care: Consult a vet for an evaluation and treatment plan.

Treatment Approach: While cat flu is typically viral (with no direct treatment), antibiotics may be prescribed if a secondary infection is present.

Eye Infections: Antiviral eye drops can address eye infections.

Decongestants: Medications may be given to alleviate congestion and respiratory discomfort.

Immune Support: Multivitamins can help strengthen the immune system and aid in fighting off the infection.