Pet First Aid for Pet Professionals Level 3 (VTQ)

177 videos, 8 hours and 32 minutes

Course Content

Course Summary

Video 177 of 177
2 min 41 sec
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Completing Your Course with ProTrainings

Course Completion and Practical Skills

Congratulations: Well done on successfully finishing your course!

Online or Practical: This course is available as a 100% online course. If desired, practical skills sessions can be arranged with our approved instructors at your workplace, regional training centres, or virtually from your home or workplace.

Need Assistance? If you require help finding a local instructor or would like an instructor to visit your workplace, please get in touch with us via phone, email, or our online chat facility.

Nationwide Coverage: We have a network of over 1200 approved and monitored instructors across the UK who can conduct the practical blended module at your convenience.

Course Access: You have access to the course for eight months, allowing you to revisit and refresh your skills and access any new videos we may add.

Course Test and Certification

Test Preparation: The next step is to complete the course test. You can review course videos and study materials in the student resources section before starting the test.

Test Details: There is no time limit for the test, but it must be completed in one sitting. Each question offers a choice of four answers or true/false options. Incorrect answers provide additional help, and you can select a different response without affecting your final score.

Adaptive Testing: Our adaptive testing system ensures unique questions for each participant. You must pass each section of the course, and additional questions will be asked if you don't pass a section.

Retesting: If you don't succeed on your first attempt, you can review the course materials and retake the test.

Certificates: Upon passing the test, you can print your completion certificate. You can also access your Certified CPD statement and evidence-based learning statement from the course homepage.

Explore More Courses with ProTrainings

Course Variety: ProTrainings offers over 300 courses available nationwide at training centres or your workplace. Many are offered as remote virtual courses led by live instructors.

Instructor Network: Our network of 1200+ instructors delivers these courses, along with over 250 video-based online and blended courses.

Get in Touch: If you need assistance finding a course or discussing group training solutions, please contact us at 01206 805359 or email

Thank You: Thank you for selecting ProTrainings, and best of luck with your test!